When it comes to world designs in RPGs (and MMORPGs for that matter) do you prefer the open world type like these? Or do you like the ones more of a type where the story and where it takes you dictates what you get to see of the world? A bit like a theme park? Where the story then is the main part not the world in it self.Ĭould you elaborate what made the game feel so much better with some of those mods you mentioned? Balmora expanded for example. I watched the video at the end of the post and that was a nice addition to the post, to see all that you had gathered up and was showing up on display, the music in it sure helped dragging me down that memory lane I mentioned earlier, but are there any other armour sets that you did not have on display that you still would want to get hold of? Was there any other form of class that you considered? You say you tried out heavy armour with long sword, ever thought about making her into a heavy tank instead of a thief? What was the reason for trying out that route? Tired of the “thief” game-play by then or wanted a new challenge? My question for this part is this, was it hard enough? Did it drive you to work harder to get into the game more or was there moment you wanted to give up? You start by pointing out that you feel the game was hard, as it’s been some time since I played it myself I do not remember if it was that, I only remember how I as a too low level character decided to go into a dwarf ruin getting my behind kicked around thoroughly. It raises a few questions though, hope you don’t mind I’m sorry I’m getting dragged down memory lane right now, having the theme for Morrowind playing now while I write this, so thank you, I loved reading this post about one of my all time favourite games. I never played a modded version but back then, yes so many years ago now, it was still an epic game, one that drew me in so much, music, game-play, scenery et c… The Elder Scrolls… Morrowind home of the the Dunmer… How you bring back memories, hours upon hours of game-play… ruins, mountains, fights, dust storms, animals… GameFile156=Windows Glow – Tribunal Eng.esp GameFile155=Windows Glow – Raven Rock Eng.esp GameFile154=Windows Glow – Bloodmoon Eng.esp GameFile153=Welcome to the Arena! v6.0.esp GameFile150=Weapon Rotate – Bloodmoon.esp GameFile147=Vurt’s BC Tree Replacer II.esp
#Unofficial morrowind patch seyda neen mod
GameFile144=Vertical limit climbing mod 1.02.esp GameFile143=Vampiric Hunger MGE Addon for MGE 1.11+.esp

GameFile136=Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp GameFile128=Starfires NPC Additions ver-1.11.esp GameFile127=Spirit’s MGSO Daedric Armor Fixes.esp GameFile121=ring_teleport v2.2_Dubious.esp GameFile120=Real_wildlife_2b Complete.esp GameFile115=Persuasion Response Expansion.esp GameFile103=Morrowind Crafting Equipment.esp GameFile94=LGNPC_SoulSicknessPatch_v1_00.esp GameFile55=Deus Ex Machina – A Steampunkyish Mod.ESP GameFile53=correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp GameFile48=Clean Abigail’s Petshop_v5.5.esp GameFile47=Cait’s Critters Unleashed 2.0 (Tribunal).esp GameFile46=Book Rotate – Tribunal v5.3.esp GameFile45=Book Rotate – Bloodmoon v5.3.esp GameFile30=Balmora Expansion v1.4+(1.4).esp GameFile28=Assassins Armory – Unofficial Patch 7.7.esp

GameFile27=Assassins Armory – Bolt Rifles.esp GameFile10=Texture Fix – Bloodmoon 1.1.esm GameFile9=Poorly Placed Object Fix 1.2.esm GameFile6=Morrowind Patch 1.6.5 Beta (BTB Edit).esm