Returns the first child of the Instance found with the given name. This message indicates that your GPU doesn't support DirectX 11. For some huge, space builds this bothers me a little. Determines if an Instance can be cloned using /Instance/Clone or saved to file. Returns a coded string of the Instances DebugId used internally by Roblox. Frameless Window: Main If set to true, renders bounding boxes around each individual rendered entity in the scene. This item is not shown in Roblox Studio’s Object Browser.
Roblox offers an API at that provides data for asset searches, including information about the items found in the searches (further information about items can be found with the product info endpoint). string Ticket: A label of the internal JIRA ticket this RenderingTest is associated with. ( All year we’ve been repeating the same mantra… Returns an array containing all of the descendants of the instance.
If you want to play Garry's Mod with Multicore Rendering enabled, you're going to have to do so via Console. Returns the attribute which has been assigned to the given name, Returns an event that fires when the given attribute changes, Returns a dictionary of string → variant pairs for each of the Instance|Instance’s attributes. Sets the Instance/Parent property to nil, locks the Instance/Parent property, disconnects all connections and calls Destroy on all children. Sets the starting quality level of the framerate manager, when RenderSettings/EnableFRM is set to true. Like I can't see the other end of space station. It can be found under the Rendering tab in Roblox Studio’s settings menu. Returns true if an Instance is a descendant of the given ancestor. A read-only string representing the class this Instance belongs to.

What rendering api does roblox use Options > Video > Advanced Settings" still has no effect and never has done since Garry's Mod 13.Enabling the option doesn't actually enable Multicore Rendering! This object cannot be created with the Instance|Instance.new constructor function.